Emergency Medical Technician
About the Program
- The program is offered during the Fall and Spring semesters only. No Summer course is offered.
- Lecture is on-campus Tuesdays from 2:15pm until 6:45pm. All lecture hours are mandatory. Student should come to class having read the assigned chapters and be prepared to participate in the review.
- Labs are on campus on Wednesdays and Thursdays and are mandatory. The student will come to lab prepared to practice skills after having watched and reviewed all videos assigned prior to coming to lab.
- Social distancing, masks and hand washing/disinfecting will be enforced during lab as well as cleaning equipment regularly and donning and doffing gloves between stations. Students shall complete the required SBCC health screening prior to arriving on campus and follow school health guidelines.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the EMT course students will be able to:
- Describe three critical elements in the initial management of shock.
- Distinguish relevant from irrelevant data in identifying the signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure.
- Perform correct CPR technique in a simulated cardiac arrest.
- Identify the correct order of airway techniques for the EMT.
Total estimated costs for EMT Program - $1,000-$1,500
There will be expenses incurred with this class to be compliant with the EMT program as outlined by National Registry of EMTs as well as State and Local guidelines and our contracted hospital and ambulance affiliates for clinical hours. Please see below for the list and approximate costs.
Sign Up
- Apply to SBCC (if you have not done so already). You must have an active SBCC student account and Student ID# (K#)
- Register for the EMT class during the semester you want to take it.
- As soon as registration is complete, students must begin checking their campus Emails/Spam regularly for important mandatory information regarding class start up.
Mandatory EMT Orientation Day
There will be a 6 hour Mandatory All Day EMT Orientation on a Saturday in Week 4 or 5 to prepare for Clinicals. Please refer to your Canvas EMT Dashboard once registered for all information and requirements needed for this day.
General Requirements:
- Must be bought by the first week of class.
- See SBCC Bookstore for other required course supplies.
- See Course Handbook for detailed important information.
Must have a valid CPR Card by the first week of class.
Must be AHA BLS Provider or Red Cross CPR for the Healthcare Provider.
NOTE: No other cards will be accepted. Online courses are not accepted. A hybrid course with in-person skills testing is accepted as long as it is one of the two (2) courses above. Click here for possible courses.
Approximately $66
Do not register for Castlebranch until the Program Director has advised you to during the first week of class
- This will automatically begin your background check.
- This will keep track of all your health records once entered.
NOTE: DO NOT COMPLETE A BG PRIOR TO CLASS. Information will be provided
Students are required to be tested for specific drugs. See attached list. All failed drug panels will result in immediate dismissal from the course; this includes Medical Marijuana. Drug panels may not be obtained until after the 3rd week of class has been completed.
See below for costs and due dates:
SBCC EMT Polo Shirt |
$30 |
Polo shirts may be purchased in the bookstore prior to the start of clinicals. |
Health Requirements:
Must use the EMT Physical Exam Form.
Fall Semester - September 20
Spring Semester - February 20
Cost Varies. Check pharmacies, clinics, Costco, primary care doctor. Check local locations.
Fall Semester - September 20
Spring Semester - February 20
- (2) Varicella or Titer (blood test) with value greater than 1.10 (>1.10)*
- (2) MMR or Titer (blood test) with value greater than 1.10 (>1.10)*
- TB Test (PPD or quantiFERRON) or chest X-Ray if positive TB test within one (1) year
- TDaP within last ten (10) years
- COVID-19 (optional)
- HEP B Series (optional)
- Flu Vaccine (optional)
*Boosters may be needed if both vaccines are not documented or immune range falls below 1.10
NOTE: All blood tests (titers) must be a valid lab report. No handwritten values accepted.
Vaccine documentation may be (1) on a valid immunization record form, (2) a doctor printout, or (3) doctor may write in vaccine dates on the EMT physical exam form and must provide a signature.
Contact EMT
(805) 965-0581 ext. 3502